Missions Ministry

"Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit." (Matt. 28:19 NIV)

CC Fuquay does not currently have a church-based Missions Ministry other than street witnessing in our communities and at community events. We do, however, offer support to the ministries of some of our church friends. Please check out the mission links below to see how they are helping to fulfill Jesus' great commission.


kneppersThe Knepper Family: Walk By Faith - Ireland

The Duke & Dawn Knepper are dear friends of the church who moved to Ireland to be full-time missionaries in August of 2007 when God challenged their family to walk by faith wholeheartedly. They are currently witnessing and aiding a church in Cork City, Ireland. Be sure to check out their testimonya and while you're there, be sure to check out their awesome videos and Aden's photo albums of Ireland's stunning beauty.


Free In Christ Prision Ministry

FICPMFree In Christ Prision Ministry (FICPM) is directed by Jeff Rudd of Apex, NC. Through his ministry, Jeff helps prisioners realize that although they are in a hard place right now, each one of them has the only hope that really matters – the promise of new life in Jesus Christ. Jeff offers inmates counseling on addictions, transitioning back into society, and the Christian walk. With FICPM's help, inmates are encouraged to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior and are taught that men don’t have to live in darkness, not even in prison. If you know someone who has recently been released from jail or prison or is heading in that direction, FICPM has many useful resources that you may want to check out.


The Hughes Family with UIM

hughesDaniel and SarahHughes are missionaries with United Indian Missions (UIM) serving on the Navajo Reservation in New Mexico. The purpose of UIM is to establish indigenous churches among Native Indian, Mexican, and Hispanic peoples of North America, churches that are built on the Scriptures and functioning within their cultural orientation. The Hughes’s help fulfill this purpose by serving as full-time staff at Broken Arrow Bible Ranch, a Bible camp near Gallup, NM, that reaches Native and Hispanic youth with theGospel. Daniel and Sarah have been guest speakers at our church on multiple occasions and it is always a joy to hear a message from them about where the Lord has taken them on their journey.