Author Archives: larry

The Silence

This is beautiful is so may ways. ‘Il Silencio’ (The Silence) played by 13 year old Melissa Venema with André Rieu and his orchestra at the Amsterdam Arena.


A man was sleeping at night in his cabin when suddenly his room filled with light, and the Lord appeared. The Lord told the man he had work for him to do and showed him a large rock in front of his cabin. The Lord explained that the man was to push against the rock […]

Rescued, Freed an Forever Yours

My sister blessed be with this link. I love the focus, Jesus is has rescued me and I worship Him from a place not of debt but of gratitude; I am His forever. From Brian Johnson

Embrace Life

This is effective and convicting to me. I hope and pray it is for you also.

Because I Love My God, Wife and Children

I just left a Men’s Bible Study. Wow! Was it good! What was really cool was I saw something I never noticed before. (You Bible students know what I mean. It happens all the time) We were looking at what a bondservant was. Every time you start a new study in a New Testament epistle […]

Hello world!

Welcome to Pastor Larry’s Picks!  A few times a month, I’ll be posting relevant and meaningful videos, photos, websites, events, and scriptures here. Stop by frequently to see what I have to share with you! The Digger from Landon Donoho on Vimeo.